Backup And Restore Your BlackBerry

This page will help you backup and restore your BlackBerry, and show you how the Advanced option is used. Before doing anything you must make sure you have the latest BlackBerry Desktop Manager installed. The Desktop Manager used in this guide is version 5.0, the latest available.
  • Download: BlackBerry Desktop Software at TOOL
Now that you have downloaded and installed the BlackBerry Desktop Manager we can proceed with the guide. If you find a mistake or think I should add something to this guide let me know.
WARNING: Do this at your own risk. I am not responsible for any problems that may occur as a result of following this guide.
Jump to a section: Backup | Restore | Advanced

  • Run the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
  • Connect your BlackBerry to your computer.
  • Wait for it to recognize your BlackBerry and then click on “Backup and Restore”.
In this window you have three options, Backup, Restore and Advanced. For this section we will work with the Backup option.
  • Underneath the Backup option you will see “Options” and “Backup”.
  • First click on Options and make sure everything is how you want it.
  • I would recommend the settings seen in the above screenshot, but it’s up to you how you want to handle your backups.
  • The “Encryption” option allows you to make your backups more secure.
  • Once you are done selecting your options click OK and then click Backup.

  • In this screen you will be able to specify a file name for your Backup. By default the file name is Backup-(date).
  • Once you have selected your file name (or left it as default) click on Save.
  • Your backup will now be created.
  • You can keep an eye on the transfer progress to make sure what you want to have backed up is actually being backed up.
Now that you have a backup, you can use it to restore your BlackBerry whenever something goes wrong. Here’s how…


With Desktop Manager running and your BlackBerry connected, click on Backup and Restore.
In this screen click on Restore

  • Now you can select the Backup file you would like to restore on your BlackBerry.
  • Once you select a file click Open.
  • You may be asked if you want to replace the databases currently on your BlackBerry with the one’s in the backup. Make sure this is what you want, and then continue.
  • The backup file you selected will now be restored on your BlackBerry. This process usually takes longer than making a backup.
  • When restoring a file you can follow the progress just like the backup progress to make sure the restoration includes what you want.
Note: It is recommended that you backup/restore databases to similar BlackBerry models. For example, from one 8100 to another 8100. To properly transfer data from one BlackBerry to another, like from an 8100 to an 8900, you should use the “Device Switch Wizard”.
Sometimes you may run into problems when backing up your BlackBerry, like a corrupt database. Or maybe you want to only backup and restore your address book. For example, I regularly wipe my BlackBerry. I use the advanced backup/restore option to only backup certain things. Afterwords I wipe it, and then restore those specific databases to my BlackBerry instead of a whole restoration. Here’s how…
With Desktop Manager running and your BlackBerry connected, click on Backup and Restore.

Now click on Advanced
  • In this screen you will be able to backup/restore specific databases, in addition to clearing databases.
  • Let’s say you want to clear multiple databases that aren’t consecutively listed. To do this hold down the “Control” button and click on the databases you want to backup. This will allow you to select more than one. You can also backup databases in the same way or one-by-one.
  • Clearing databases through Desktop Manager is a faster way of clearing up memory on your BlackBerry. For example, instead of having to delete all messages, clear browser history or clear your call log one at a time you can clear all of them at once by selecting those databases and then clicking on Clear.
  • Clearing a database removes all the data within that database from your BlackBerry, so make sure this is what you want if you choose to do it.
  • Once you have selected the databases you want backed up click on the “<<” button in the middle to move it/them over to the left box. By moving them over, you are backing them up.
  • As you can see in the screenshot above, I have chosen to backup my address book, messages and SMS messages.
  • As long as the Desktop Manager is kept open the databases will remain in the left box, even if you disconnect your BlackBerry.
  • This is useful if you want to wipe your BlackBerry and then restore certain databases, or if you want to backup/restore certain databases to another BlackBerry.
  • This is also useful if you are having trouble doing a regular backup and are getting a corrupt database error. If you do not know which database is corrupt, chances are it is the one where the transfer progress fails.
    • Once you have identified which database is corrupt, select every other database in the Advanced Backup/Restore screen and move them over by clicking the “<<” button in the middle. After that you should wipe your BlackBerry to get rid of the corrupt database. Keep in mind that you have already backed up the databases that aren’t corrupt. Continue with the guide below…
  • After you have wiped your BlackBerry, re-connect it. If you are restoring a database on another BlackBerry connect that one.
  • To begin restoring the database to the BlackBerry select the database(s) from the left and then click the “>>” button.
That’s it! Hope you found this guide useful. Always make backups, you never know when something will go wrong. How To: Backup And Restore Your BlackBerry

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